Creative Scrapbook Piecing by Marina du Plessis
Creative Scrapbook Piecing by Marina du Plessis PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Creative Scrapbook Piecing with Marina du Plessis is a collection of scrapbook layouts created with little other than paper. Each of the 60 full-color layouts includes templates of the frames, letters, titles, tags, envelopes, etc., as well as the templates and easy-to-understand instructions for constructing the three-dimensional figurines featured on the layout.The elements provided may also be used separately to create your own layouts. If you prefer a simpler style, some of the elements may be replaced with additional photographs or journaling. Either way, you will find ideas and inspiration, whether you are a novice scrapbooker or a well-seasoned scrapbooking addict.
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