Jumat, 27 Juni 2014

PDF⋙ Contemporary Project Management (with Microsoft Project CD-ROMs and Student CD-ROM) by Timothy Kloppenborg

Contemporary Project Management (with Microsoft Project CD-ROMs and Student CD-ROM) by Timothy Kloppenborg

Contemporary Project Management (with Microsoft Project CD-ROMs and Student CD-ROM)

Contemporary Project Management (with Microsoft Project CD-ROMs and Student CD-ROM) by Timothy Kloppenborg PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Each chapter of CONTEMPORARY PROJECT MANAGEMENT begins with a listing of the most important points you'll need to learn, and all materials, including end-of-chapter questions and problems and test questions, have been developed to correlate to a specific objective. In addition, all PMBOK Guide knowledge areas and processes are specifically included, and glossary definitions are from the PMBOK Guide. This consistency with the established standard gives you a leg up if you decide to become a Certified Project Management Professional (PMP). Microsoft Project 2007 is fully integrated into the fabric of seven chapters within the text, and techniques are demonstrated in both a by-hand fashion and automated using Microsoft Project 2007, helping you grasp the concepts behind the technique. One section at the end of each chapter lists deliverables for you to create (in teams or individually) for a real project. Clean copies of all deliverables will help you demonstrate your project skills in job interviews. CONTEMPORARY PROJECT MANAGEMENT includes proven methods developed over the past 50 years, as well as exciting new methods that are emerging from both industry and research.

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