Jumat, 12 September 2014

PDF⋙ The Canadian Army at War (Men at Arms Series, 164) by Mike Chappell

The Canadian Army at War (Men at Arms Series, 164) by Mike Chappell

The Canadian Army at War (Men at Arms Series, 164)

The Canadian Army at War (Men at Arms Series, 164) by Mike Chappell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Throughout the 20th Century, Canadian armies participated in the world's major conflicts, from the Boer War at the dawn of the century (1899-1902), to the Korean War in the 1950s. As part of the British empire, Canada supported Britain in South Africa, and came to the aid of the Allies in both World Wars. This book chronicles the development of the Canadian Army and the legendary achievements of a nation which might have justifiably stayed aloof from the quarrels of others. As both author and illustrator, Mike Chappell paints an engaging picture of the history, equipment and uniforms of the Canadian Army.

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