Hannah's Touch (Orca Soundings) by Laura Langston
Hannah's Touch (Orca Soundings) by Laura Langston PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
What a waste, I thought, seeing my body on the pavement. My first bee sting, and it's fatal. It was almost as stupid as Logan getting in that car. When sixteen-year-old Hannah gets stung, she rises out of her body, where she's greeted by her dead boyfriend, Logan, and a loving but unseen presence. She wants to stay with them. They say no. She must go back. There's something she must do. But Hannah can't figure out what it is. Nor can she make sense of the weird things happening around her. Since the sting, she seems to have the ability to heal. Hannah doesn't know what to think. And then she faces another challenge: Logan has a purpose in mind for her new gift. And it's a purpose Hannah can't bear to face.From reader reviews:
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