Rabu, 12 November 2014

PDF⋙ Every Creature a Word of God by Annika Spalde, Pelle Strindlund

Every Creature a Word of God by Annika Spalde, Pelle Strindlund

Every Creature a Word of God

Every Creature a Word of God by Annika Spalde, Pelle Strindlund PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

What does a spirituality that affirms God s love for all creatures look like? Borrowing from a breadth of sources, including the Bible and Christian monks, mystics, sages, and saints, Annika Spalde and Pelle Strindlund have written a unique and compelling book. Christian authorities often emphasize doctrinal orthodoxy and obedience, but Spalde and Strindlund appeal to the many lay Christians who have a sense that God's compassion is the core Christian message. However, Spalde and Strindlund show that many Christians so far have not applied this principal to nonhuman creation. Perhaps the book's most compelling argument resides in Spalde's and Strindlund's personal testimonies. They have been animal activists in a complete sense, frequently exchanging imprisonment for an opportunity to inform the public about the tragic plight of animals on modern factory farms. On several occasions, they and their companions have openly liberated animals raiding factory farms and transferring animals to safe homes and then accepting the legal consequences of what the law regards as theft. Their nonviolent actions, inspired by the nonviolent activism of Mohandas Gandhi in India, has resulted in their being physically and psychologically abused, but they believe that their own plight has been mild compared to the miserable lives of animals confined their entire lives on factory farms. This book will inform, inspire, and challenge a broad range of readers, from those dedicated to animal protectionism to those who have not yet made the connection between loving animals and choosing not to eat them.

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