Selasa, 17 Februari 2015

PDF⋙ Pirate (Space Gypsy Chronicles) by Eve Langlais

Pirate (Space Gypsy Chronicles) by Eve Langlais

Pirate (Space Gypsy Chronicles)

Pirate (Space Gypsy Chronicles) by Eve Langlais PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A new series from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Eve Langlais.

When urban fantasy meets outer space you get a galactic adventure with a sassy ship  and aliens.

Earth: a space pirate's dream when it comes to booty, but not a good place tohide when bounty hunters come looking. Pulling up stakes means Rafe must leave his vintage trailer behind, but in the process, he acquires apassenger, a mouthy female who seems to think she's calling the shots.She'll soon learn who's the captain.

And it isn't Annabelle, his bossy ship.

Travel the galaxy with this gypsy pirate as he looks for treasure--and findstrouble instead. The universe might be out to get him, but he's notgiving in without a fight.

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