Silent Crickets: A Shallow End Gals, Trilogy Book Three (Volume 3) by Vicki Graybosch, Linda Mcgregor, Teresa Duncan, Mary Hale, Kimberly Troutman
Silent Crickets: A Shallow End Gals, Trilogy Book Three (Volume 3) by Vicki Graybosch, Linda Mcgregor, Teresa Duncan, Mary Hale, Kimberly Troutman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Thrilling Trilogy with a dash of paranormal..........Hang on to your seat!Trilogy needs to be read in book order: FBI Agents Roger Dance and Paul Casey race against time to trap ruthless opponents committed to destroying anyone who gets in their way. The FBI team and the angels are pushed to their limits as they realize powerful forces have weaved a diabolical plan using New Orleans as a test city. Roger tugs at every loose thread of the design's plan, exposing unthinkable plots from deadly enemies. The raspy, haunting words of an old, blind man prove true. "Big cities be brutal. Take unsuspectin' souls and eat 'em alive. Nawlens, don't even chew."
Book One: Alcohol Was Not Involved
Book Two: Extreme Heat Warning
Book Three: Silent Crickets
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