Selasa, 29 Desember 2015

PDF⋙ Freckles and the Cost of Popularity by Vickianne Caswell

Freckles and the Cost of Popularity by Vickianne Caswell

Freckles and the Cost of Popularity

Freckles and the Cost of Popularity by Vickianne Caswell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Freckles has always been a good little bunny that was taught to be nice and caring towards others. The opportunity to be popular arises and Freckles soon finds herself choosing popularity over friends. Two classes get to go on a field trip to the local bakery where Boots' brother Sherlock works. Freckles has been told that Boots' family is not cool and weird. Freckles and her new crowd are laughing at others just because they're not true friends. Join Freckles as she learns that being different is alright and that being popular doesn't mean you have to be mean, in another funny adventure. Guest appearances by Sherlock, a popular real animal, and Purrsia, a character that will have your child looking to see what is stuck in her fur, in every illustration she is in.

* Peer pressure.
* Do what is right and not what others tell you.
* Being popular doesn't mean you have to be a bully.
* Treat others the way you want to be treated.
* It is not nice to laugh or make fun of others' misfortunes.

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