Kamis, 28 Januari 2016

PDF⋙ Out of the Shadows: A Cornucopia from the Psychedelic Press (Muswell Hill Press)

Out of the Shadows: A Cornucopia from the Psychedelic Press (Muswell Hill Press)

Out of the Shadows: A Cornucopia from the Psychedelic Press (Muswell Hill Press)

Out of the Shadows: A Cornucopia from the Psychedelic Press (Muswell Hill Press) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The word psychedelic means mind manifesting. It seems likely that psychedelic agents have profoundly influenced the evolution of our most important civilizations and the development of our collective psyche. The use of psychedelics as cultural drivers and creativity enhancers in the modern era has shaped music, art, literature, and depth psychology.
Psychedelic drugs have acquired a certain reputation and polarize opinion. In their heyday, this remarkable group of psychoactive substances was believed to hold great promise for treating medical conditions, assisting psychotherapy, fueling creativity, and allowing profound spiritual experiences. However, political reaction and legal restrictions pushed their use back into the shadows in the mid-1970s.
Currently there is a resurgence of interest into their clinical and therapeutic use. Research is gathering real momentum and some of the traditional misinformation and stereotypes are being reversed. This collection of original papers from the Psychedelic Press UK journal takes us on a fascinating journey through topics such as the use of psychedelics in medicine and psychotherapy, archetypal psychology and spiritual awakenings, and creative surges in literature, myth, and visionary art."

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Out of the Shadows: A Cornucopia from the Psychedelic Press (Muswell Hill Press) EPub

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